
What Is Interactive Notetaking?

Interactive notetaking is the BEST way to get information to “sink in” for your students. I first learned about it five years ago at a staff development session and never looked back. Give it a try with your students, and I bet you’ll feel the same- especially when you see how much they ENJOY it! […]

Why the Workshop Model? {Freebies Included!}

I absolutely love the Workshop Model. Love, as in big puffy-heart-love. I love it so much, I used to run a linky called Workshop Wednesday- you can see the past posts here if you are interested. And so do my kids! With so many levels and abilities of students within one classroom, it is just not possible […]

Buying Books on a Budget!

I get asked all the time (because of all of the books in my mentor sentence units), “where do you get all of your books?” Unfortunately, I never have a good answer because I’m an Amazon Prime Member and I just buy, buy, buy! Some people buy purses and shoes, I’m a bookaholic. I buy […]

Bright Ideas: Writing Seed Ideas

Here it comes… those B-T-S words… I won’t say them, but you know what they are. And when that S word starts back, one of the things I always like to do in writing is collect seed ideas. One of the lessons I like to do will be my Bright Idea in this month’s link […]

Organizing Reading Workshop Conference Notes

Hi friends! I am linking up with the Primary Peach to share how I keep up with my conference notes during Reading Workshop. Most days, when I finish working with my small group, I confer with two separate students. I print labels with my conference points and keep them on a clipboard so I can visit each […]

Why More Volumes for Grades 3-5?

To all of my mentor sentence lovers (and even those who are just considering trying them out), I promise you Volume 2 and Volume 3 for Grades 3-5 are not a ploy just to get you to spend more money! :o) There are three good reasons why more volumes have been created. And you might […]