Tried It Tuesday!

I am so excited to be linking up with Holly’s FIRST EVER Tried It Tuesday Linky!!

This is one I’ll definitely be consistently linking up to! 🙂 The rules are to write about anything you have tried and describe what worked (and maybe what didn’t).

This week, we are wrapping up area and perimeter, so I used Blair Turner’s Dream House Project for a culminating activity! It’s a freebie she shared with us on All Things Upper Elementary!

The students designed their dream home by drawing the floor plan. They had to label and color each room, then find the area of each room. Once they found the area of all of their rooms, they added them together to find the total area of their house! Because I wanted my kiddos to get some practice with perimeter, too, I added an extra “direction” to it. They had to find the total perimeter of their house as well. They had such a great time designing, and then sharing, their houses! They certainly got creative!! Check some of them out below.

He has a Basketball room, an XBox, PS3, Wii room, and a Candy room!!

She has a pool, cat house, dog house, AND a backyard in the middle of her house! 😛

The only thing I might do differently is to limit the number of rooms they can have. It took me quite a while to actually go through and check them. (Am I admitting that I’m a lazy teacher??)

Don’t forget to come back tomorrow to link up with Workshop Wednesday!! Tell us all about your favorite mentor texts you use to teach author’s craft!