Your Mentor Text Download Is On The Way!

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But first I want to share something with you…

Did you know that I have hundreds of ready-to-implement lessons using mentor texts in your classroom?

Have you been spinning your wheels trying to teach students to apply grammar skills to their writing?
Are you not even sure where to begin to use one mentor text for MULTIPLE lessons across ELA content?


Stop wasting your time!


I spent years in the classroom using a routine that ACTUALLY worked with my students! My obsession with picture books has paid off big time for teachers all across the country! 


Don’t recreate the wheel!


I have created hundreds of lessons that integrate picture books into all of ELA (and other subjects, too), and tens of thousands of teachers around the world have transformed their instructional practices!


You can easily get started with these lessons in your classroom!


Get this 10-week bundle for less than $2 a week!

I walk you through each day’s lesson for 10 weeks- all the work is done! I’ve even done all the thinking for you with your mentor sentence lessons. There is a 9-page introduction in this unit with pictures included of how I use mentor sentences in my room (VERY detailed, day-by-day), along with the mentor sentence lessons, interactive activities to reinforce language skills, reading activities, writing prompts, AND vocabulary lessons for 10 weeks for the following books:

-My Name Is Yoon by Helen Recorvits


-Chocolate Milk, Por Favor! by Maria Dismondy


-The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig


-Same, Same But Different by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw


-Crow Boy by Taro Yashima


-Lost and Found Cat by Doug Kuntz and Amy Shrodes


-Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty


-I Love My Hair! by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley


-A Bike Like Sergio’s by Maribeth Boelts


-Latke, The Lucky Dog by Ellen Fischer


Don’t own these books? Check your library, or even find an online read-aloud of the story by doing a simple Google search!


For only $17, get ten COMPLETE mentor text units with popular read-alouds!


Click here to own these ready-to-implement lessons today!


No thanks, I’m good with just one free lesson.