
Implementing Mentor Sentences in Upper Grades

See Mentor Sentences in ACTION with Jivey!
This video was taken the fourth week of school in a 4th Grade class.
*The mentor sentence lessons I have created are adapted from the ideas of Jeff Anderson. These lessons were born from the routine that worked well in my classroom, and the demos and examples I present are variations of Jeff Anderson’s methods. This is not the only way to “do” mentor sentences in your classroom.*
I am so excited to share the Mentor Sentence COURSE with you! 
Use the code LEARNMORE to save 15% at checkout!

All 3-5 blog posts are linked below:
Mentor Sentence Explanation – All in ONE post!
(Why I use them and why you should, too!)

Starting with Mentor Sentences- First Week Directions
(with video included too!)

For more ideas, follow my Pinterest board!