Friday Five!

These summer editions of Five For Friday almost seem harder- have I actually done FIVE things worth blogging about this week? Let’s see!! LOL

 I finished up my beach trip- it is always sad to leave the sand and sun and water. My neighborhood pool is certainly not the same. 😛 Before we left, we celebrated my “little” sister’s birthday- not so little anymore! She is 14!

 I’ve been working a lot in my yard this summer! I was SUPER busy and productive this week! I put down newspaper under 10 bags of mulch around my gardenia and azaleas. Putting down newspaper is a cheap and organic way to keep weeds and grass from poking up through the mulch!

And I can show you these pictures because I also cleaned the mildew off the side of my house this week! LOL! It’s been there since I moved in and I just never did anything about it, until this week when I spent so much time to make the beds pretty and then my house looked like CRAP. My original pictures I took before cleaning to post were embarrassing.

I also worked on planting some more flowers in pots to put around my middle bed- I still need to spruce this one up a bit with better mulch and the newspaper trick.

I shared with you in a previous post about my gazebo… I LOVE it. I’ve added some flowers in and around it. 🙂

I learned how to add a FAN FREEBIES tab to my Facebook page!

I will be featuring freebies there which will ONLY be shared with my Facebook Fans, so make sure you have liked my Facebook page to ensure you are in the know! 🙂 I used ShortStack- an app that works with Facebook and enables the page to be hidden from non-fans!

I reached 400 Followers while I was at the beach! Make sure you check out my 00 Follower Giveaway if you haven’t already!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!! 🙂