Earth Day Freebie!

For once, I’m AHEAD of the game when it comes to monthly themed activities!!

I realized the other day that my kiddos still need some practice with ABC order. YIKES.

So here is a cutie Earth Day ABC Order activity I created! 🙂 Hope you’ll get some use out of it, too!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
For those of you who aren’t making me totally jealous on Spring Break right now, how did April Fool’s Day go for y’all? Did you get in any good pranks? (And hopefully, didn’t get tricked too badly by the kids?) I played a fun one on my kids. I downloaded a quiz from Slide Share and gave it to my kiddos. The first direction says to read ALL of the directions. There are 18 items, numbered. The last direction says don’t do anything except #1 and #2 and sit quietly. I told them it was a timed pop quiz. They had 15 minutes- we got the privacy folders out and everything! I only had ONE student actually read all the way through and see that she didn’t need to do anything! Everyone else was frantically working. I stopped them after 9 minutes and let them in on the secret. 😛 They all thought it was hilarious!

We started reading Wonder today.

I am so excited after all the rave reviews I’ve heard! And the kids are already soooo into it. 🙂

Don’t forget, this Wednesday, link up with Workshop Wednesday for Math Websites! Let’s share our favorite websites that are our “go-to sources” for math. It can be to show what the kids use, or for you as a resource! And I’m hoping to be unveiling a NEW Workshop Wednesday Linky Button! Yippee!! 🙂 Stay tuned!!